sobota, 2 lutego 2008

Malgorzata Mazur - YOUR tour guide to Gdansk - Sopot - Gdynia - Poland @ live music service

TASTE our world .....


Sightseeing and live music for your dinner, meeting with friends and just for your pleasure on special request.
The special programme for your children during your dinner. 
Summer or winter you can drink your coffee or to have lunch and dinner listening to the music in one of the nice  chosen place. 
Kashubian folklore music included.






Sopot Hippodrome


   (ask for details by email or SMS mobile +48608204097).

Twoja kolacja, spotkanie z przyjaciółmi, uroczystość rodzinna może być wzbogacona muzyką na żywo. 
Specjalny program dla Twoich dzieci podczas Twojego lunchu lub kolacji.
O szczegóły spytaj emailem lub SMSem.

Your dinner, meeting with friends, family celebration can be enriched with live music. A special program also for your children during your lunch or dinner. Ask for details by e-mail or SMS.

Certified tour guide to GDANSK , SOPOT, GDYNIA,
Pomerania - Kashubia, POLAND @ and TOUR – LEADER

- the largest bell ringing ensemble ever gathered is 10,000 people who simultaneously rang their bells at an event held in the city of Gdansk, Poland on 31st December 2000.



I had also the pleasure to attend the weighing of this piece of amber on 28th June 2022 in The Museum of Amber in Gdansk.

The same I have the share in participation in two Guinness Record registered in Gdansk!

// Po raz drugi uczestniczyłam w ustanawianiu Rekordu Guinnessa w Gdańsku!


I would like to present you my city and invite to see it with me.

The common name for three neighboring cities 

GDANSK, Sopot & Gdynia
are named Tricity

 The Tricity is situated in Pomeranian Region on the coast of the gulf of GDANSK .
Either Gdansk Sopot and Gdynia or are surrounded by hills and forests.
GDANSK (Lat.54 about 25'N Long.18 about 39'E)  is known from many centuries and keep its atmosphere of town the where kings, merchants, artists and exiles were coming and everybody could find his small or bigger world.

SOPOT is proud of its wooden pier, open-air Forest Opera, spring of salty water and giving good rest during vacation and not only.

It's amazing that in GDYNIA,the modern naval port and yachting centre,it is still possible to taste the nature in the Nature Reserve on moraine upland on the coast and in the neighbouring area.

 Malgorzata Mazur - certified  tour guide to Gdansk, Sopot & Gdynia (incl. Kashubian Museum in Kartuzy, Roman Faktoria in Pruszcz Gdanski, European Solidarity Center), Emigration Museum in Gdynia, Museum of WWII in Gdańsk and Westerplatte   and tour leader.
mobile phone: (+48) 608 204 097

Area code for stationary numbers: Poland: 48  Gdansk, Sopot or Gdynia 58

prowadnik z licencjã po Gduńsku, Sopoce, Gdyni i pilotażowe ùsłudżi dla turistów pòjedènĉich ji w grëpach.
Jãzyk pòlsczi i anielsczi.
Certyfikowana przewodniczka
po Gdańsku, Sopocie i Gdyni oraz pilot wycieczek.

Wystawiam rachunki w ramach działalności gospodarczej.

Oprowadzam turystów indywidualnych oraz grupy w tym grupy dziecięce.

Pieszo, transportem publicznym, busikiem lub autokarem.

Posiadam również uprawnienia do oprowadzania po Muzeum II Wojny Światowej z Westerplatte w Gdańsku, Europejskim Centrum Solidarności, 
Muzeum Emigracji, Muzeum Kart do Gry Ulica Brydżowa, Hevelianum (Forty z XVIII wieku), Faktoria Pruszcz Gdański i innych. 

Certified guide to: Museum of The Second World War with Westerplatte, European Solidarity Center, Emigration Museum, Museum of The Playing Cards Brydżowa Street, Hevelianum (XVIII cent. fortifications) Faktoria in Pruszcz Gdański (reconstruction of the trading post from IVth cent.) and others.

Zapytaj o szczegóły drogą emailową lub telefonicznie. 
Ask by email or SMS.

Język polski i angielski // English, Polish.
Serdecznie zapraszam.

 Honorowym krwiodawcom udzielam zniżek.
Posiadam Certyfikat  Potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu "Jak wdrażać standardy ochrony małoletnich" z 28.06.2024 i prowadzę stosowną dokumentację w tym zakresie.


The most popular tours:
1. Medieval Gdansk - walking tour (modification on request):  

3 hours - The Royal Way (Upland Gate, Golden Gate, Dluga Street - Main Town Hall), Dlugi Targ - Artus Court, Neptune Fountain, Green Gate, Mariacka Street, St. Mary's Church, Old Crane.
4 hours - medieval part and Solidarity Square
6 hours - as 3 hours plus boat trip to Westerplatte or Second World War Museum.

2. Gdansk - Oliwa - Sopot
Medieval Gdansk
(The Royal Way, St. Mary's Church, Old Crane),         Solidarity Square,
Cathedral in Oliwa with 20 minutes organ music presentation,
Sopot - the longest wooden pier in Europe. 

6-7 hours plus breake for lunch time, if required.

3. Gdansk - Sopot - Gdynia
 Medieval Gdansk - The Royal Way, St. Mary Church, Old Crane.Oliwa Cathedral with 20 minutes organ music presentation.
Sopot - the longest wooden pier in Europe.
Gdynia - Kosciuszki Square, Warship Museum ''Blyskawica'', Feliks Nowowiejski Boulevard, harbour.

Trasy wycieczek do uzgodnienia. 3,4,6 godzinne.   Gdańsk, Trójmiasto, Kaszuby, muzea.


In European Solidarity Center with group of children


 Old Harbour. Motlava River



Żukowo - Norbertine Monastery;
Kartuzy - Cartusian Monastery;
Chmielno - pottery workshop;
Szymbark - upside house, Kashubian folklore.

Wdzydze - Skansen museum
Kluki - skansen museum
Łeba - shifting dunes
During winter time - sledging

6. Hel Peninsula
Peninsula Hel (35 km long) separates the Bay of Puck from the open Baltic Sea.


Fortification from WWII and among others SchlezwigHolstein Battery,
Oceanography Institute with seals,
Fishery Museum,
fishermen's houses from XIX century,
Fish bars and restaurants.

Półwysep Helski.
Fortyfikacje, Fokarium, Latarnia Morska, Muzeum Rybołóstwa w Helu.

6. and also: Elbląg, Frombork, Kadyny and surroundings. Canal Elbląg Buczyniec - Ostróda - Elbląg.

7.  Tczew on the way.

8. Faktoria in Pruszcz Gdański- Reconstructed ancient amber trade village from the Roman period
istorically, Pruszcz Gdański was located at the lagoon lake, which guaranteed a direct access to the sea.  Thus, this area was one of the end points on the route connecting the Baltic amber coasts with the Roman Empire areas"...
Faktoria w Pruszczu Gdańskim z czasów rzymskich.

9. Hevelianum and Fort from Prussian and Napoleon's time. 
Gdansk fortifications can be very interesting object of sightseeing.
In Gdańsk there are fragments of fortifications from the XIVth, XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries which have been preserved and restored.

Visiting Gdańsk, it is worth to make a walkalongside the fortifications from Prussian times, strengthened in Napoleonic times and interactive exhibitions that may be particularly interest to children. The name Hevelianum comes from the name of famous Gdansk astronomer from XVII cent.
// Fortyfikacje gdaskie są również bardzo ciekawym obiektem do zwiedzania.
W Gdańsku zachowały się również fragmenty fortyfikacji z XIV, XVI, XVII i XVIII wieku.
Zwiedzając Gdańsk warto obejrzeć fortyfikacje z czasów pruskich, wzmocnione w czasach napoleońskich oraz interaktywne wystawy, które mogą zainteresować dzieci. Nazwa Centrum Hevelianum pochodzi od nazwiska słynnego gdańskiego astronoma Jana Heweliusza

The photo of the page of "Selenography" written by Gdansk astronomer Jan Heweliusz. 
// Zdjęcie strony z dzieła Jana Heweliusza słynnego astronoma gdańskiego "Selenografia".
Garages for cannons // Remizy

Sometimes there is the opportunity to see the changing of the guard of Gdansk Garrison and to see the staging of the battles. With the members of the Garrison of Gdańsk.//
Czasami można trafić na inscenizację bitew z tego okresu oraz na zmianę warty.

10. Museum of the Second World Word // Muzeum II Wojny Światowej. I am the certified guide // Jestem certyfikowanym przewodnikiem

11. I am also the certified guide to European Solidarity Center // Jestem również certyfikowanym przewodnikiem po Europejskim Centrum Solidarności


12. and to Emigration Museum in Gdynia  // i po Muzeum Emigracji.

13. On your demand other tours and shopping can be arranged. 
 14.  Footbal in Gdańsk.

 PGE Arena Stadium
1.Arena Gdańsk (PGE Arena Stadium)
       Pokoleń Lechii Gdańsk 1 Street 80-560 Gdańsk

    Stadium Cash desk Kasy No. 1 from Żaglowa Street

PGE Arena stadium

Lechia Gdańsk stadium

11. Public transport tours around Gdańsk, to Sopot, Gdynia and other places in Pomerania and in Poland. Programmes are subject of personal agreement.

12. Tailor made tours, genealogy tours on demand. 

The above mentioned tours can be modified according to your wishes and your budget. Car, van, boat or public transport according to the agreement.

Jestem beneficjentem subwencji Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju "Tarcza Kryzysowa".

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